DAUSA and Rotary Clubs send aid to Ternopil & Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine

Since the war began, numerous clubs/organizations have joined forces to provide assistance to Ukraine. Rotary Klub Warszawa City has been very influential in coordinating efforts to maximize the aid. Their ties with Rotary clubs in Ukraine has made it easier to know what is needed and also provide a way to verify that the aid makes it to the intended recipients. This is vital since it is difficult to verify the delivery of aid to locations close to the conflict zone. As of three days ago, the front line was 20km from Zaporizhzhia. On Friday, I was invited to join the group in the transfer of the ambulance to the hospital in Zaporizhzhia.

We were greeted by the President of RC Zaporizhzhia, Valentyna Balbekova, and two representatives from the hospital (to remain unnamed). Their journey to Warsaw was a 36 hour bus ride through Ukraine. After a quick photo shoot, we went for dinner at a location where we conducted the title transfer.

We decided that it would be a good idea to fill the ambulance with supplies for those in need, so we agreed to meet the next day to source the aid. Valentyna was able to obtain current information regarding the needs of the internally displaced persons (IDPs). With financial help from Easton Rotary Club's Youth and Community Fund, and from Disaster Aid USA, we were able to accomplish our goal of sourcing the much needed clothes. Many of the IDPs at these locations had their clothes cut off at the hospital in order to be operated on, only to be left with a hospital gown as their sole possession. After a full day of locating appropriate items, we managed to procure enough items for several thousand individuals.

The merchants were kind enough to deliver the boxes to our location for the night. On Saturday morning, our team loaded the boxes onto the ambulance and then they embarked on their journey to Zaporizhzhia.

Earlier today, 5/17/22, Valentyna contacted Frank to confirm that the team successfully completed their mission. The ambulance is now at the hospital and is being deployed!